Anaheim Dental & Orthodontics Blog

Veneers vs. Invisalign: What’s Best for Me?

August 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 5:48 pm
Nose-to-chest closeup of a woman with long brown hair smiling with perfectly straight teeth

One of the first things people notice about you is the quality of your smile, and you don’t want your crooked teeth to make a lasting negative impression. Thankfully, your dentist can help! There are multiple ways to enhance your appearance, whether you opt for an orthodontic treatment like Invisalign or cosmetics like porcelain veneers.

If you’re unsure of the best way to upgrade your grin, continue reading to learn more about both possibilities so you can make an informed decision!


Summer Foods to Enjoy (and Avoid) While Wearing Braces

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 8:45 pm
person holding ice cream cone

If you’re starting orthodontic treatment this summer or already have braces, your diet plays a crucial role in your braces journey. It’s not just about how your smile looks in vacation photos; certain summer foods can affect your braces and your progress. To help you keep your smile on track, read on to find out which summer foods are great for your braces and which ones you should steer clear of.


It Tingles! Is Dental Sensitivity an Emergency?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 10:13 pm
Man has oral pain

Dental sensitivity doesn’t always hurt, but it is usually annoying. This issue can have a variety of causes, and some of them are more serious than others. If you find that your teeth tingle or hurt when exposed to sudden temperature shifts or to acidic or sweet foods and beverages, you may be wondering if you should give your emergency dentist a call. Here’s a brief guide to dental sensitivity, what causes it, and how to tell if you need to contact your emergency dentist.


Treat Yourself to Some Glamorous Oral Care with Your Tax Refund!

April 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 2:21 pm
Woman opening her tax refund and celebrating

Even though you know it’s coming every year, receiving a good tax refund feels like winning the lottery. Suddenly, you have some extra cash in your pocket, and you’re thinking it’s about time you bought yourself a little treat.

Spending your revenue influx on oral care might be the farthest option from your mind. Before you dismiss this idea as boring or dull, keep reading to see how some simple dental options will make you feel like you’ve just bought a luxury.


Is Invisalign an Easier Orthodontic Option?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 8:07 pm
Lady wears clear aligners

While traditional metal braces are a tried-and-true way to straighten out your smile, they require a large commitment of time and effort. Patients must adopt a specialized oral hygiene routine to keep their braces clean while abstaining from a long list of tasty foods to prevent them from becoming damaged. Luckily, Invisalign is an easier alternative that can give many patients beautifully aligned smiles. Here’s a brief overview of some of the freedoms Invisalign can give you.


Prevent Fitness Failure: How to Protect Your Grin at the Gym

January 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 7:24 pm
Man and woman high-fiving on yoga mats at the gym

If you’re like many others, you’ve resolved to spend more time at the gym this year to lose weight and enhance your physical well-being. Though these are wonderful goals to set for yourself, too much time at the gym has been known to cause dental dilemmas. You wouldn’t want your healthy new habit to cost you your teeth! Continue reading to learn 3 common issues and how you can prevent them.


Smile-Friendly Gifts for Friends and Loved Ones

December 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 8:37 am
Stockings hung up by a fireplace

The holidays are all about spoiling the people that you love. While receiving gifts is always nice, some of the happiest memories come from showing people how much you care about them through what you give them.

Though if you want to show someone that they really matter to you, you might want to pay some mind to how the gifts you provide will affect their oral health. Here are a few stocking stuffers that can help to support oral health.


Smile Appreciation: Ways to Care for Your Teeth This Thanksgiving

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 5:07 pm
a family smiling together during Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving coming up, there are probably a million things you can be thankful for. While many of these may include things like family, friends, and good health, you won’t want to forget about your smile. After all, your pearly whites are the very ones allowing you to enjoy your favorite delicious holiday meals. To show your appreciation, here are four oral health tips for taking care of your smile during the festivities.


Dental Stats That Will Send a Shiver Down Your Spine

October 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 7:29 am
Dental patient in a horror scenes

Halloween doesn’t feel complete without a spooky story or two, and this time of year even people who aren’t ordinarily all that interested in horror can’t seem to resist.
Despite what many may think, dentists aren’t normally trying to scare their patients. After all, the more unpleasant the experience someone has in their office, the less likely that they’ll come back. However, in the spirit of the Halloween season, you might want to hear some of the scarier stats you won’t normally get from dentists. Here are a few examples.


The True Impact of Gum Disease in 5 Factoids

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — anaheimortho @ 7:40 pm
A woman showing what gum disease looks like

The World Health Organization estimates that 80 percent of all adults will experience some degree of gum disease in their lives. Whether it’s redness, inflammation, or bleeding gum tissue, you might have some of the symptoms of periodontal disease and never make the connection.

To learn facts about the real impact of the disease, and how it affects so many people, continue scrolling.

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